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Russian children's prose between 1960 and 1980
A certain part of Russian literature covering a period of 700 years is also children's literature. In the IX-XII centuries there was a period called Ancient Russian children's literature. The 60s and 90s of the 12th century are considered to be the most productive period of Russian children's literature. The first textbook was published in those years. The eighteenth century was fruitful in the field of children's literature. During these years, 400 books of tales and stories were published. These works were called baby wax-like stories. F. Polukarpov, who wrote the history of Russian children's literature at the request of Peter I, wrote about the most difficult moments and successes of these years. At the end of the 18th century, the development of children's literature no longer met the demand. In the 19th century, the development of children's literature was very weak. N.A. Dorolyubov divided this period into four chapters. The fourth chapter is called "Children's Literature in the 80s and 90s." After this period, the development of Russian children's literature in both poetry and prose was fruitful. The study of children's literature, which had a difficult and arduous 300 years before the revolution, dates back to the more interesting, scientific development of the Soviet era. During these years, the development of children's literature became a common issue. The Russian state was already seriously interested in the development of children's literature. The issues raised at the IV Congress of Writers in the Russian Federation in 1970 led to more serious discussions at the VIII Congress of the Writers' Union of the USSR in 1986 on the development of children's literature.

Russian children's literature, children's literature in 60-80s

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